Methylene Blue

I made a new profile picture


I’ve been wanting to create my own (original) profile picture for a long time, but I hadn’t necessarily well-defined ideas or references to create it.

The profile picture

My new profile picture

It’s an axolotl which is wearing a bob and drinking soda (or water, I don’t know yet).

I’ve created it using GIMP, and contrary to what you might think, it is not complex to use. In my case, I was relying heavily on layers and opacities (for layers and pen).

The only detail I didn’t think about during the creation was the fact that on some websites, profile pictures are round, so you can’t see the fingers on my github page for example. It’s not a big deal anyway.

Why an axolotl ?

The axolotl is the favorite animal I will probably never have, as it has a cost and requires a lot of care (I already have a dog for that).

I learnt afterwards that Methylene blue can be used as an anti-stress and disinfectant, thanks to Axolotl Passion. It is a French website created by passionates for passionates. They give advice on alimentation, aquarium, medications, etc. Each time I go to the website, I find myself opening multiple tabs and reading the articles for a long time.

References I used

I first tried to draw an axolotl from scratch, but it wasn’t conclusive. I’m not used to drawing with a mouse, so I decided to draw over these two reference images:

A black kid drinking a smoothie with a straw, doing big eyes A bob

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