Methylene Blue

Rating url shorteners


Recently I wanted to invite someone on SimpleX Chat, but the invite links are too long, which might look scary. That’s why I’m looking for an (open source, obviously) url shortener, so that links seem OK and concise.

I don’t care about tracking the stats about the link (how many times it has been clicked, what were the interactions, etc.), I simply want a software, preferably online, to shorten urls I give to it.

The holy table

Name Checks links Has captcha Cloudflared Note Would I use it ?
Lstu Yes, refuses to shorten links never opened before No No No
rs-short Yes, refuses if it was already flagged by the server admin Yes, writing shown symbols No Probably
Ouvaton No Yes, resolving a sum No Probably Yes, refuses if it is blacklisted No No Displays a page showing full link before redirecting to it Probably Yes, refuses if it is blacklisted No Yes No


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